Luca Cottini, Ph.D.

I am a literary scholar and a cultural historian. I completed my undergraduate studies in Classics at the University of Milan. In 2005, I moved to the United States, where I specialized at Notre Dame (MA) and Harvard (PhD) on Italian modernist literature and early industrial culture.
My research and courses touch upon Italian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries; the intersection of arts & business; and the cultural history of industry, advertising, and design in Italy.
My books include a monograph on 20th century writer Italo Calvino (I passaggi obbligati di Italo Calvino, Longo 2017), an award-winning study on the origins of Italian design (The Art of Objects. The Birth of Italian Industrial Culture, 1878-1928, University of Toronto Press, 2018), and a biography of chocolate entrepreneur Michele Ferrero (Il fabbricante di cioccolato. Nel mondo di Michele Ferrero, Piemme 2023).
My work for the Italian Innovators project has been featured in national Italian media (La Stampa, Sole 24 ore, Canale 5) and I have been invited as business mentor and guest speaker at numerous academic and corporate venues.